Fondation Burotop Iris

From losing a home to building homes in Uganda

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

Donation of a computer and printer to the Femmes Vulnérables association

The Burotop Iris Foundation recently demonstrated its commitment to the fight against HIV AIDS by donating a computer and printer to the Vulnerable Women’s Association (TAYUWANA) in Pointe-Noire. This donation is intended to help them carry out their activities to prevent the transmission of the disease from mother to child. In fact, this association works actively to raise awareness of this issue among vulnerable women, but lacked the IT tools needed to carry out their mission. The Burotop Iris Foundation has responded to their need by providing them with this equipment to enable them to be more effective in their fight against HIV AIDS.

The Burotop Iris Foundation thus reaffirms its commitment to helping vulnerable people by contributing to the prevention of HIV AIDS. This donation to the Femmes Vulnérables association in Pointe-Noire is a concrete example of the Foundation’s action to improve the living conditions of the most vulnerable populations. By making its resources and skills available to these associations, the Burotop Iris Foundation hopes to play an active role in reducing inequalities and promoting social well-being.