To give everyone, especially
the most disadvantaged,
the opportunity to fulfill themselves
to thrive, and to live with dignity.
Imagine a world where everyone has the means to realize their dreams and live with dignity. It is this vision that drives our work at the BUROTOP IRIS Foundation, and for over 14 years, our determination to act has been unwavering.
Indeed, since our creation in 2008, we have worked tirelessly and carried out various actions that contribute to strengthening access to education and health in the Republic of Congo. We carry out projects there that enable many families to receive social protection and restore their dignity.
Cela a pu être accompli grâce à notre engagement, le dévouement de nos équipes, mais aussi le soutien de nos nombreux partenaires à qui je témoigne, ici, toute ma gratitude et ma reconnaissance. Mais notre travail n’est pas terminé, et nous avons encore de nombreux défis à relever.
This has been accomplished thanks to our commitment, the dedication of our teams, but also the support of our many partners to whom I express my gratitude and appreciation. But our work is not done, and we still have many challenges to face.
There is still much to be done, but we are convinced that every action, even a modest one, can make a big difference and that, together, we can accomplish extraordinary things, in a patriotic spirit.
Through our projects, we have seen lives change, smiles appear on entire families. This makes us happy and motivates us. That is why I invite you to join us and support our cause.
Supporting us means: relaying our actions, proposing projects, getting involved alongside us and, why not, providing in-kind or cash donations that will be used in the most transparent way possible.
Together, we can do more.
– Diana Attye
Director of the Foundation
We believe in a world where everyone has the right to equal opportunities, a decent life, and the ability to reach their full potential.
Act with us

We support initiatives such as renovating schools, distributing school kits, and making efforts on the ground to educate the most vulnerable people.

Health & Social
We work to help ensure that all communities have access to quality healthcare, and that the most vulnerable families have access to basic necessities.

We work to raise awareness among local communities about environmental challenges, to promote sustainable development practices, and to combat climate change.