Fondation Burotop Iris

Donation of computer equipment to Lumières des Nations school in Dolisie

The Burotop Iris Foundation is proud to have contributed to improving teaching at the Lumières des Nations school in Dolisie. In fact, the Foundation recently donated a laptop computer to the primary and middle school management to help them run their school efficiently. This donation will enable school activities to be better organized and monitored, […]

Participation in a blood drive organized by the « Les Jeunes Cadres » association

The Burotop Iris Foundation accepted an invitation from the association « Les Jeunes Cadres » to take part in a blood drive organized on Saturday December 5 at the Centre National de Transfusion Sanguine. The association’s initiative aims to raise awareness of the importance of blood donation in saving lives. The Foundation is proud to support this […]

Celebration of National Tree Day

National Arbor Day is an opportunity for the Burotop Iris Foundation to take part in the fight against environmental degradation by planting trees. The event took place at a time of pandemic, but that didn’t stop the Foundation team from planting 30 trees in Kintélé. This initiative is in line with the Foundation’s ongoing commitment […]

Donation of office supplies and computer equipment for the fight against COVID

The Burotop Iris Foundation is committed to supporting the fight against the coronavirus pandemic by donating office supplies and IT equipment to the Commission de Mobilisation Sociale et Communication sur les Risques (CMSR). This commission is part of the Comité Technique National de Riposte à la pandémie du coronavirus en République du Congo. Thanks to […]

Raising awareness of harassment among MBTP employees

MBTP employees were lucky enough to benefit from an awareness-raising session on moral and sexual harassment in the workplace, organized by the Burotop Iris Foundation and run by the Association Femme Juriste du Congo. Participants learned about appropriate and inappropriate behavior towards colleagues, and what to do in the event of harassment. This highly informative […]

Raising awareness of moral and sexual harassment in the workplace

The Burotop Iris Foundation organized an awareness-raising session for Burotop Iris staff on the theme of « moral and sexual harassment in the workplace ». The presentation was given by the Association des Femmes Juristes du Congo, and its informative content was much appreciated by the employees present. Participants were made aware of behaviors to adopt and […]

Joint solidarity actions with the Harris Oyo Foundation

The BUROTOP IRIS Foundation has joined forces with the HARRIS OYO Foundation to combat the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic by distributing food kits to families in the Ouenzé district. The aim of this solidarity initiative is to support vulnerable people, particularly those economically affected by the current health crisis. The food kits include fresh […]