Fondation Burotop Iris

From losing a home to building homes in Uganda

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal.

Donation for the orphanage le village des enfants Cardinal Emile Biayenda

On November 15, on the initiative of its director, the Burotop Iris foundation donated a vehicle to the “Le village des enfants Cardinal Emile Biayenda” orphanage, located in the Kombé-Ferme district of Madibou, Brazzaville’s 9th arrondissement. This generous donation will enable the orphanage’s children to make their daily journey to and from school in complete […]

Breast cancer awareness pink october

Attentive to the good health of its agents, and to mark the month of “October Rose”, the Foundation organized an awareness-raising meeting at Burotop on a sensitive subject that concerns all women: breast and cervical cancer. The vast majority of women from Burotop and local companies took part in the event. To shed light on […]

Distribution of school kits with UNHCR

The Burotop Iris foundation remains true to its values: helping the most vulnerable through useful donations. In partnership with the UNHCR and in the presence of Burotop Iris CEO Mr Issa Attye, the foundation invited 131 refugee children from Rwanda, CAR and DRC to our store to equip them with 131 school kits. There’s no […]

World Refugee Day

To mark World Refugee Day, UNCHR and the Burotop Iris Foundation have joined forces to celebrate this highly symbolic day. On the theme of “Living together”, a drawing competition was organized for 800 pupils from 4 schools in Bouemba and Betou. To support this initiative, the Burotop Iris Foundation sent hundreds of sheets of paper […]

Food donated to Brazzaville orphanages

As it does every month in Brazzaville, in April the Foundation made the rounds of 9 orphanages to donate fresh food, rice and oil. The gift of giving and receiving children’s smiles is just as important! As well as providing fresh food, rice and oil to the orphanages, the BUROTOP IRS Foundation also offered emotional […]

Employee training for March 8th

The BUROTOP IRIS foundation celebrated International Women’s Rights Day by offering support to women in the company. Training courses on Personal Branding by Ms Vanessa Metou and on public speaking by Mr Florian Koulimaya have been set up to enable women to develop their skills and boost their self-confidence. The initiative was welcomed by CEO […]